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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And why, exactly?

The recent birth of my daughter, whom I affectionately refer to as "Cricket," has opened an entirely new assorment of doors in my life. I have been exposed to the most happy, anxious, frightened, excited, and diverse verions of myself, and it has occurred to me that the best way to work through it is to write through it. I've laughed, I've cried, I've squirted breastmilk on practically every surface of my house, and I've come to realize that even if one person reads this and gets something out of it, I will have served the greater good of womanity.

Most things in my life are easily solved through the power of the written word, regardless of the presence or absence of an audience. So, it's with this in mind that I seek to further, encourage, humble and better myself as a person, a wife, and a mother. The solution to world peace should also be achieved by the end of the week....

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